Monday, April 11, 2011


In the past little while I have come to realize that I have the most amazing friends in the world. They keep me going, and make my life full and fun. I'm not sure I ever really appreciated them until recently...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#8 - Imagination

WHERE: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, UBC Campus, Vancouver BC

WHY: I posted this Kid Cudi lyric about imagination at the library, where I mainly feel void of any and all imaginative thoughts. After hours and hours of studying, one can begin to feel lost, hopeless, desolate...Keep your head up comrades! Embrace your creative thoughts, your imagination, your ingenuity - but never forget to just get out and 'DO' sometimes.


Monday, March 14, 2011

#7 - SMILE

Posted: #22 - Knight bus

Why: A good friend of mine once passed this on to me and I have never looked back since. Smile, you'll be surprised how much it helps.


Thursday, March 10, 2011


Where: Bus stop at Penticton and Mcgill

Why: Because it's true!

From Blair c/o Josie

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


#5 - Courage, My Love

Posted: On a wooden beam, outside my work, Yew St.

Why: This is a quote from Lord Alfred Tennyson, one of the most popular English poets of all time. It comes from The Charge of the Light Brigade, a poem about the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. The message strikes a delicate balance between nobility and brutality but one thought maintains throughout: courage. I strongly urge you to read the poem (it's short), and to have courage in the face of all life's adversities.
